...t...to advanceo advance and promote the science of geology and the geological profession... |
...to advance and promote the science of geology and the geological profession...
NGS Members!
We have a fantastic 2025 calendar this year and it is your gift when you donate $15 to NGS scholarship awards. You can donate here Donations and I will email you to arrange pick up/delivery. You are also welcome to contact me directly at the email below to arrange pick up at Thiele Geotech, Inc. in Omaha or at UN-L through Shane Tucker, stucker3@unl.edu. Thank you for your support of student scholarship!
Donna Matlock, NGS Calendar Committee, dmatlock@thielegeotech.com
NGS MEMBERS: Everyone must reset or request new password
If you are already a member, you can Reset Your Current Password (if you know your password) or Request a New Password (if you do not know your current password).
If you are not a member yet, visit the Membership tab.