Nebraska Geological Society


Nebraska Academy of Sciences' 2024 Fall Newsletter

Available here!

Student Scholarship Opportunity!

The "George E. Condra Groundwater Geology Memorial Scholarship Sponsored by the Nebraska Well Drillers Association" is worth $1,000 and is given annually to one or two qualified undergraduate students in the University of Nebraska system who have sophomore standing or above with at least a 3.0 GPA; and are enrolled full-time in any program leading to a career in the geology, hydrology, hydrogeology or the water well industry. Learn more here.

Please welcome two new NGS Officers!

President - Dr. Cara Burberry, Associate Professor, UNL Department of Earth an Atmospheric Sciences

Member-at-Large - Shane Tucker, Highway Salvage Paleontologist, Nebraska State Museum

Highway Paleontology Program in the UNL news!

"The University of Nebraska State Museum’s Highway Paleontology program is uncovering history hiding beneath our feet and tires." Learn more here.

UNL Geophysics Annual Newsletter is now available!

See their successes from the 2023-24 school year and learn about what's planned for 2024-25 here.

NGS 2024 Field Trip to South-Central Nebraska

NGS had an excellent field trip on August 8 & 9, 2024. Thank you to the field trip leaders: Doug Hallum, Shane Tucker, and Dr. Paul Hanson. Here are a few highlights of the trip:

Board Vacancy on Nebraska Board of Geologists

Check on vacancy at Nebraska Board of Geologists Vacancy

Nebraska Academy of Sciences' 2024 Summer Newsletter

Available here!

Geology and Well Technology Seminar and Tech Fair, October 22-23, 2024, Wichita, Kansas

From the Kansas Department of Health and Environment

The Geology and Well Technology Seminar and Tech Fair brings together water and energy sector professionals from the mid-continent region, representing professions such as water well contractors, solution mining, and underground hydrocarbon storage industries, as well as consultants, and state agency representatives. Join us as an attendee, vendor, or sponsor.

AAPG House of Delegates Meeting, May 31, 2024

The AAPG House of Delegates met on May 31 to elect House Officers and vote on sending proposed changes to the Association's Constitution and Bylaws for a vote by Members.

David Hawk (Idaho Association of Professional Geologists) was elected as the next Chair of the House of Delegates, and Rosemary Laidacker (Houston Geological Society) has been elected as Secretary-Editor.

Approval to send proposed Constitution and Bylaws changes to Membership for a vote failed to meet the 2/3rds threshold necessary for the motion to pass. 

Claudia Hackbarth, AAPG President, reminded those in attendance of the significant accomplishments of the last decade in spite of recent challenges faced by the Association, and invited Members to sign up for AAPG Newsletters and the Digging Deeper podcast.

IANR News: UNL Soil Judging Team takes home runner-up award at the National Soil Judging Contest The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Soil Judging team took home six awards this year from the National Soil Judging Contest hosted by Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.

Learn more here

NGS Rock Stars Seminar, May 14, 2024

Program: Dr. Irina Filina presented "The complex geology of the Tyrrhenian Sea – the insight from the IODP Expedition 402"

Learn about the expedition here

Nebraska Academy of Sciences' 134th Annual Meeting Newsletter

Available here!

Geological Society Spring Meeting - April 18, 2024, at Farmer Browns in Waterloo, NE.

Program: Dr. Jon Scheuth presented "Reconstructing the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway of Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa"

Geological Society February Meeting, February 15, 2024, at Mary Ellen's in Lincoln

Program: Yatkola-Edwards student presentations

Check out this article from UNL!

Husker scientists deepen understanding of ancient rivers | Nebraska Today | University of Nebraska–Lincoln (

Geological Society November Meeting, November 16, 2023, at Farmer Browns in Waterloo

Program: Yatkola-Edwards student presentations

Geological Society Annual Meeting, September 21, 2023, at Granite City Brewery in Lincoln

Program: Dr. Matt Joeckel, “Yellow Cat Member, Cedar Mountain Formation (Eastern Utah): Early Cretaceous Terrestrial Sediments, Chemostratigraphy, Paleosols, and More.”

Geological Society Spring Meeting - April 20, 2023, at Farmer Browns in Waterloo, NE.

Program: Dr. Harmon Maher presented "The characterization and scale of within-unit fracture pattern variability."

Check out this new paper!

Nebraska Today recently highlighted a new paper by Matt Joeckel, our State Geologist, highlighting new work to better understand the carbon cycle in the early Cretaceous. You can download the paper here.

October 7-10, 2023: AAPG MCS Meeting!

Nebraska Water Center Fall 2022 newsletter!

For any of us who did not receive the recently released USGS Nebraska Water Center newsletter, be sure to check out the employee profile of NGS Member Ginny McGuire in the Fall 2022 newsletter.

Great NGS November meeting at Farmer Browns in Waterloo. Presenter was James Benes – Ph.D. candidate at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Topic: “USING GEOCHEMICALS TO BOLSTER CHARCOAL RECORDS OF HUMAN LANDSCAPE INTERACTIONS IN THE NEBRASKA SAND HILLS”

Jim Anderson Presentation to 7th Graders at Russell Middle School in Millard Public Schools!

Jim spoke to nine sections of 7th graders in four lectures. Best question of the day was: What if a fossil is split at a divergent plate boundary?

NGS Banquet on September 15, 2022!

George Corner, Museum Collections Manager. George regaled us with tales relating to each of the specimens in Elephant Hall, and illuminated Barbour's vision for the space. I know my appreciation and understanding of the exhibit was deepened immensely.

July 28, 2022: The 2022 Field Trip is in the Books!

A great group and a lot of learning going on in the Wildcat Hills and the North Platte River valley!

View the slideshow here.


October 16-18, 2021

annual meeting program, September 16, 2021

"Discovery of a vast network of exhumed, Cenozoic channel bodies on the Great Plains"

Jesse Korus, Associate Professor, Conservation and Survey Division, UNL


Streams have shaped the Great Plains for the past 65 million years and their deposits host important aquifers, fossils, and geological resources. Despite the ubiquity of Cenozoic channel bodies, details on fluvial style, morphology, and drainage pattern have remained elusive. This talk presents the discovery a vast network of fluvial ridges on the Great Plains spanning Paleocene through Pliocene strata across portions of six states (CO, NE, WY, SD, ND, MT). These ridges are the relics of channel fills preserved as positive-relief landforms capped by sandstone, conglomerate, and gravel. Ridges are as much as 120 m in height, but most of them are subtle, a few meters high, and discernable only in high-resolution aerial photographs and LiDAR. New mapping of >1,000 linear km of ridges and the direct detection of channel body morphology shows that fluvial systems were diverse and spatially variable. Moreover, this work reveals that sediment dispersal systems and fluvial styles evolved dramatically during the formation of the Great Plains.


​Please join the Nebraska Geological Society in congratulating long-time Nebraska Geological Society Member and renowned Husker Geologist Priscilla Grew on being honored with the naming of a new mineral in the garnet supergroup - priscillagrewite!  See the article in the Nebraska Today using the link below.

News from UN-L

​Congratulations to Sheri Fritz, George Holmes Professor in the  UNL Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science on her highly prestigious election as a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) !
Sheri has previously won national and international scientific medals and awards for her outstanding research using lake sediments as clues to past climate change. She has been honored for distinguished contributions to Quaternary paleolimnology and paleoclimatology, particularly for work at the intersection of ecology and geology relevant to climate change research and conservation. 


NGS charter member, our first Secretary, and current History committee member, Duane Eversoll, received the 2018 Maurice Kremer Groundwater Achievement Award.  Duane Eversoll was presented with the award at the Maurice Kremer Memorial Lecture on February 27, 2019 at 3:30 p.m. in the Hardin Hall Auditorium (room 107) on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln East Campus (33rd and Holdrege Streets, Lincoln). 

NGS 50th Anniversary Celebration

​NGS head its 50th Anniversary celebration at Blue Blood Brewing Company in Lincoln on November 17, 2018, in spite of slick roads and snow swirling through town.  The celebration featured a tour of Robber's Cave with local historian and author Joel Green.  Joe's book; "Robber's Cave: truths, Legends, Recollection" is available for purchase at  

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