Nebraska Geological Society

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Nebraska Geological Society 2024 Annual Meeting

  • 09/15/2024
  • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Schramm Park State Recreation Area


  • NGS Paid Members who have paid their 2024 dues
  • Non-NGS members. Cost covers dinner and one year Membership as Associate Member.
  • Sponsor registration.
    Includes reservation for two at picnic and sponsorship of up to eight additional guest places (students and speaker) that the sponsor wishes to support.
  • Students who sign up for a free one-year NGS Membership. Visit the NGS Membership webpage to get your student Membership started!


NGS Annual Meeting

September 15, 2024

Business Meeting - 11:00 am

Catered Picnic -12:30 pm

Brisket, pulled chicken, side-dishes, dessert, lemonade and tea (it's ok to bring your favorite picnic beverage)

Program - 2:30 pm


Fractures and mechanical stratigraphy and CO2, oh my! - Exploring the Schramm Park Geologic Display

Caroline (Cara) M Burberry, PhD, PG.

Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science, UNL.

This program will begin with an examination of the geology of the main outcrop of Lansing Group cyclothems in Schramm Park. We will discuss the different units and how they may be identified at outcrop, and what these layers look like in core.  Next, we will place the units into a global context, and discuss the far-field effects of glacial activity, as well as debate the differences between these cyclothems and the more classic, coal-bearing cyclothems of other parts of the Great Plains. The units in question are plausible storage units for CO2 in parts of the state, despite limited primary porosity, so lastly, we will consider the fracture sets and mechanical stratigraphy of the outcrop, as there are wide variations in how the different systems fracture, not directly a function of absolute bed thickness. We will discuss fracture spacing, stress shadows, and thrash out the possibility of fault movement or reactivation. 

Bring ALL your debate skills, a writing implement and notebook, and sturdy shoes!


Visit the aquarium, hike, float, kayak, explore the hiking trails...

Business Meeting

  1. Introductions
  2. Minutes of April meeting
  3. Annual officer reports
  4. Committee reports
  5. Field trip report
  6. Universities/State Museum news
  8. AAPG
  9. Webpage
  10. Upcoming events
  11. Adjourn
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